Interior Design Services


Activate your interior space, using my skills, in 6 guided work stages

1 : Meet

My first consultation is free! Let's discuss how you need your space to work. From here I put together a fee proposal which lists the interior design services required for your project, as well as the predicted costs to complete them.

2 : Conceptualise

We spend some time together working through ideas, solving interior problems and getting inspired. I gather all of the various pieces that are needed to create the best interior picture suited to you and your budget. There will be 2 presentations, with your valued feedback in between.

3 : Plan

This is the wheels and cogs stage where the right team is assembled to meet the requirements of your project. We develop and finalise all dimensions, finishes, colours and quantities of every single item required for your interior space. We finalise your budget and sign off on costs.

4. Build

Onto the factory floor! Orders are placed and deposits are paid. During this stage, I meet with each supplier to clarify and ensure that your items are being manufactured according to detail and deadline.

5. Install

I supervise and manage the various work teams as they deliver and begin to install each of the design elements into your space. We have regular walkabouts on site where you can comment on the progress being made, meet the team and inspect their workmanship.

6. Play

Finally, your new space is complete and ready to use. I co-ordinate a handover with each of the relevant suppliers so you know exactly how your space works and how to look after it. Happy Activated Space!

Successful interior design is the sum total of a considered and respectful collaboration between client, designer and supplier.